The best utility crews in the state compete in this simulated pole top
rescue exercise.
The Pole Top Competition became part of the
Governor�s Industrial Safety and Health Conference in 1973 to teach
people about proper rescue techniques.
Teams of
linemen from the electrical utility industry compete for honors in
rescuing a victim from a utility pole in a mock industrial
accident. Three judges are
chosen by members of the conference�s electrical utilities
The preliminary competition is held the
day prior to the conference, with the top four teams competing at
the conference. Just before the final competition, teams are
given a �problem� or situation that makes the rescue more
difficult and requires the teams to think about the safest and
most effective way to rescue the victim. |
On the Pole:
 | Precautionary measures must be taken at all times by both the
groundman and linemen to protect themselves from potential injury they
could incur while performing their required functions in the rescue of
the victim. |
 | Timing will start with the word "GO" and stop when CPR is
started. |
 | The lineman or hot apprentice must remain belted off at all times
during the rescue. It is permissible to un-belt only when it is
necessary to go around an obstruction. |
 | Tools, materials, or hot sticks shall not be thrown or dropped under
any circumstances. |
 | All regulatory safety rules must be observed when working or when
moving primary or secondary conductors, hardware, or equipment. This
includes a victim energized at line voltage. Illegal contact may
result in team disqualification. |
 | Once the victim as been cleared, the lineman will check the level of
consciousness of the victim, prior to rigging. The mannequin must be
secured with three half hitches. |
On the Ground:
 | The groundman will check for breathing, administer two (2) breaths,
and perform five (5) cycles of CPR. No pulse check is required. |
 | The lineman will climb down the pole, treat for shock, and monitor
the delivery of his partner�s CPR. |
 | After the groundman has completed five (5) cycles of CPR, the
lineman will check for breathing for five (5) seconds. Finding no
breathing, he will give two (2) breaths, and resume CPR. The groundman
will monitor the victim during this process. Upon completion of five
(5) cycles of CPR, the lineman will end by giving two (2) breaths. |
NOTE: Rescue breathing barriers are optional. Teams choosing to use a barrier must furnish their own and be proficient in the use of the type of barrier selected.
The poletop committee will furnish the handline, hotsticks, and a Bashlin 57 cutaway scare strap for the preliminaries and finals. Teams will be required to use the handline and hot sticks furnished.
Rankings and awards are presented at the Conference